Smart modelling systems
Project stats:
Started Summer 2024, running for one year
Starting with the Ely/Newmarket Shop Window area, gradually rolling out across the wider operational area.
What was the aim of the project?
Previously they would have had to contact our team of hydraulic modelers and work in collaboration with them to understand the actions that need to be taken, and the implications any shutdown might have. The aim of this project was to find a quicker route to the answers technicians need in order to begin their work.
Who are Qatium?
Technicians can run simulations against existing models and understand the impact on the network if they were to shut valves to isolate certain sections. It has the capacity to integrate with live data from our sensors, and can also help when planning routine maintenance, again putting this capability in the hands of our technicians and leaving our in-house modelers available to tackle complex or tactical modelling requests. By building our own plugins for the system, we can make the experience even more bespoke to our team’s needs.
What has the impact been?
As part of the wider smart water portfolio of work, this project is helping to pave the way to a future operating model that is absed on digital and data, streamlining operations but also attracting the best talent in terms of the next generation of network technicians.
We used Qatium to take demand off a dropping tower, step test to narrow down leak location and do so without impacting customers or water quality.
Having this available to make quicker decisions on the ground ensured we planned our steps with minimum valve ops but maximum benefit.
As more network models are being added, I find this system adding so much value on a day to day basis.
The repair is now complete and network back to normal.
The rezone we used to help maintain supplies and step test will now be considered as an option we can use in high periods of demand when we are managing storage levels in the area. – Josh Carlton
“We’ve never had anything that came out so quickly that had so much interest – this is a game changer for us….The goal is to democratize, to put information into the hands of frontline teams so they can self-serve information in ways we haven’t done before. It’s about freeing up the modeling team to do high-value modeling work. It’s part of our digital journey, this collaborative effort between Qatium and us.”
Andy Smith, Head of Smart Water.