
Future Fens Integrated Adaptation (FFIA)

Project stats:

Number of partners:
Funding received:
Completion date:


Why is this initiative important?

Through joint actions to deliver climate change adaptation there is huge potential to unlock investment and deliver wider socio-economic benefits, securing the future for a landscape at significant risk from climate change. Acting together now can help to: increase food security, increase biodiversity, reduce carbon emissions and unlock infrastructure investment and new development.

Together, the Taskforce members aim to –

Protect and enhance the environment

Maintain much-needed food security

Develop new water resources to help meet future needs

Alleviate risks from drought and flood

Lock carbon in natural systems

Enable greater Investment to a region that includes some of the UK’s most deprived areas.

Strategic plans

Key strategic plans within FFIA’s Phase 1 which are driving investment in water management infrastructure, climate change and socio-economic development in the Fens include:
Read more about what has been achieved in Phase 1 in our report published in spring 2024


The key projects that have been commissioned by the Taskforce that will be delivered in Phase 2 include:

Fens Climate Change Risk Assessment

The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research will deliver peer-reviewed research that will help to understand the impacts of climate change in detail, and value of the Fens to the UK (published autumn 2024)

Fens 3D Data Visualisation Tool

Spans all FFIA stakeholders and enables them to access information at a landscape level

Fens Transition Laboratory

This will bring stakeholders in the Fens together in an innovative process using behavioural science, enabling shared objectives and action to create systems change. Importantly, the lab will enable resourcing of the outcomes including future funding, funding instruments and potentially policy change.

Getting in touch with us

If you have any questions about FFIA or would like to get involved, please contact Phil Jones

Project Resources
