Student spotlight:

Maud Siebers

What inspired you to pursue a Ph.D. in water?

I have always been interested in the environment, growing up in a more rural town in the Netherlands. I decided to go to University and complete the Bachelor Soil, Water and Atmosphere and later the Masters Earth and Environment specialised in Soil and Water Quality. This is where my love for water management started, during my internship at a Dutch Water Manager. I never intended to do a PhD, but this PhD came onto my path and that’s how I got here.

How do you plan to contribute to the field water industry with your research?

My research focuses on forecasting algae blooms using models and earth observation. I think this has a direct link with water industry, as they are most impacted by these algal blooms. I am hoping to develop or show a way of forecasting/modelling that can be easily adapted into the industry, or at least be used for output into industry.

What is the main objective of your research work?

The main objective is to improve forecasts of algal blooms using earth observation and process-based models. Using existing models that I calibrate to fit the specific case study lake I will integrate EO or other sensor data to get the forecasts to a higher level.

What attracted you to the opportunity to work with an industrial sponsor?

The applied aspect! Seeing were your research fits in with the real world and possible everyday use.

How has your experience with AW as industrial sponsor influenced your career aspirations or goals?

Having an inside look into industry for me was a great way to find out what I want in the future. Academia and Industry overlap but are still drastically different. The link with Anglian water gave me the option to enjoy the highlights and the downs of both future career paths. Seeing a direct impact of my work is also a great bonus.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

As much as I like coding in R, it is not something I would choose to do in my free time. I love going on walks and do some birdwatching together with my boyfriend.
I have also taken up running, so my free time now consist of training for a half-marathon.

What advice would you give to other students considering participating in an industrial sponsorship program?

Participating in an industrial sponsorship is a great way to have an idea of work in academia as well as industry. Next to that, it is a great way to get contacts across a big range of careers. If you don’t exactly know what you want to do after your PhD having a look at both is great.